Secrets to Straightening Your Hair Without Using Heating tools

Get ready to transform yourself from someone with a frizzy hair look to someone with a straight, silky, smooth hair look.


Everyone loves to have a straight hair styled look some day or the other in their life. Much of like a fashion fad these days; for both women and men alike. Honestly, it’s not easy to achieve a straight styled hair from a curly head of hair and that too without using some sort of heating tool, but it is still possible if you look for alternative methods.

So, for all of them who are look forward to achieve that straight styled hair, we have got the tips to get that done without using any heat transfer method.

Hair cream
Neutralizer cream
Plastic or glass bowl
Hair brush
Rubber/plastic hand gloves
Hair covering cap(cotton)
Large toothed comb




1. Shampoo your hair and towel dry them.
2. Apply the hair straightening cream as guided below.

Hair straightening creams are mostly for external use only.
Keep the cream away from eyes, skin, nose and any cut wounds on your skin.
Never use on moustache/beard/near nostrils openings, upper lip or lower lip or any other hairy part of your body.
Straightening Creams contain chemicals such as Hydrogen Peroxide. So, always wear gloves during cream preparation and application.
Do not use on bleached/colored hair or on hair that has been recently straightened
Avoid using it if you have very soft hair
A STRAND HAIR TEST is ALWAYS RECOMMENDED BEFORE USAGE to test for any allergic reaction.

Perform this test on a small portion of your head’s hair.
Apply small amount of cream using a plastic brush onto some part of your hair.
The cream should be applied in such a way that it does not touch the scalp of your head.
At least 1cm away from scalp is recommended.
Make sure that cream does not come near eyes or eyebrow or eye lids.
Let the cream remain there for around 15/20mins.
Wash it off with cold water afterwards.
If any skin irritation occurs, DISCONTINUE usage.

In a plastic or a glass bowl, put as much cream as is needed for the hair to be straightened. Longer hair needs more cream. Using a plastic brush, whip the cream nicely in the container. Wear plastic or rubber gloves during application.
Divide hair into 4 sections. Work from section to section applying the cream in all the areas of hair that needs straightening.
Once the cream has been applied, it begins its straightening process. Cover the hair using a soft cloth hair-cover and let it stay there for about 15/20mins.
Remove the hair cover and comb through the hair with a large toothed comb.
Wait for 5 more mins before washing off with cold water.
Do not use soap or shampoo or hot water for washing.
Wash gently taking care to not let the water go into your eyes/mouth or ears.
Wipe dry with a towel afterwards.

It is recommended to use a neutralizing cream after the straightening process which provides a softening effect to the straightened hair.

Empty the neutralizing cream or liquid in a plastic or glass bowl.
Whip it well and then apply onto the straightened hair gently.
Apply carefully from section to section.
Keep it on for about 20mins, combing the hair in between to let the hair remain straight.
Shampoo it afterwards and towel dry.

The straightening cream application can be repeated every month.

ENJOY the SOFT, WAVY feel and look…

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